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The Betsy Awards

The Betsy Awards

CFC Celebrates Early Childhood Champions at the 2024 Betsy Awards on April 28th!

The Betsy Awards was established to recognize individuals and organizations who have made a meaningful impact on the lives of young children and families. The Betsy Awards are named after nationally renowned early childhood pioneer Betsy Hiteshew, who helped found CFC in 1976. 

This year, we are excited to honor Shari Davis and the Los Angeles Partnership for Early Childhood Investment. Shari Davis is a leading advocate for educational equity and early childhood well-being. The Los Angeles Partnership for Early Childhood Investment will be recognized for its significant commitment to educating members, driving systems change, and for its impactful contribution to the early childhood field. 

The event is sold out, but you can still donate to support our work. For event details, please click here.